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群馬大学's mission is to revitalize local communities by revitalizing local industries and driving cultural development by utilizing human resource development functions and research results. At the same time, we aim to be a university that can play an active role from a global perspective.

群馬大学will provide ICT literacy, which will be indispensable in the coming society, to all students such as the Faculty of Joint Education, Faculty of Science and Technology, and Faculty of Medicine, centering on the newly established Faculty of Informatics, as well as students and researchers in all fields. We support research activities with data science.

  • Maebashi

    群馬県前橋市荒牧町4丁目2番地, 371-8510, Maebashi

    • Maebashi

      群馬県前橋市昭和町3丁目39-22, 371-8511, Maebashi

      • Kiryu

        群馬県桐生市天神町1丁目5-1, 376-8515, Kiryu

        • Ota

          群馬県桐生市天神町1丁目5-1, 373-0057, Ota
