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Centro Universitário Facex (UNIFACEX)

The institutional mission shows that the University Center FACEX will be committed to the intellectual quality of the training of their students with the quality of care to the needs, desires and expectations of society, forming competent and capable professionals to find creative solutions to local problems , regional and national.

This institutional commitment is strongly anchored in philosophical principles and ethical and educational beliefs that guide their actions, among which we highlight:

aware of its social responsibility, committed to the values ​​of justice, equality and fraternity; permanent role in the rescue of citizenship - in the formation of the citizen, be ethical and political, conscious of their rights and duties, able to intervene in the socio-economic development process of the community in which it operates, with an integrated view of society and the world; unifying action, open to all knowledge, critical, creative and competent, able to contribute to the development of the state and the region in which it operates. commitment results in the continued pursuit of high academic and scientific performance of your community; willingness to form partnerships and alliances with other institutions, aiming to develop integration programs with a view to training and development of human values; equal conditions of access and permanence in the institution; freedom to learn, teach, research and publish culture, thought, art and knowledge; pluralism of ideas and pedagogical conceptions; respect for freedom and appreciation for tolerance; standard quality assurance and linkage between academic training, work and social practices.

  • Natal

    Campus Capim Macio - Rua Orlando Silva, 2896, Capim Macio, Natal/RN. Campus Imaculada Conceição - Avenida Mal Deodoro da Fonseca, 540, Cidade Alta, Natal/RN., , Natal

    Centro Universitário Facex (UNIFACEX)