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Concord University

Founded in 1872 Concord University provides rigorous programs which prepare students to pursue various graduate study and career options and to assume leadership and professional roles in a multicultural society. While we incorporate a variety of educational methodologies/technologies, our size and the caring dedication of our faculty, staff and administration are the principal assurances of a quality educational opportunity at Concord University.

Campus Overview

  • 2,800 Students
  • 3% international (35 countries represented)
  • Average class size 18
  • 18:1 student to professor ratio


The mission of Concord University is to provide quality, liberal arts based education, to foster scholarly activities, and to serve the regional community. Concord University provides rigorous programs, primarily at the baccalaureate level, which prepare students to pursue various graduate study and career options and to assume leadership and professional roles in a multicultural society. In keeping with its tradition of service to the region, the University will offer a limited number of carefully selected graduate degrees. While we incorporate a variety of educational methodologies/technologies, our size and the caring dedication of our faculty, staff and administration are the principal assurances of a quality educational opportunity at Concord University. As a learning community, Concord University is committed to furthering knowledge through professional development activities and programs, through research, and through the application, publication, and appreciation of scholarly efforts. The primary purpose of Concord's mission is academic; however, the service the University provides to its state and region goes beyond the classroom. Concord University contributes to the quality of cultural and economic life in southern West Virginia through collaboration with both public and private organizations and agencies and through the extension of its support and assistance into the region it serves. Ultimately, Concord University measures its success by the fulfillment alumni find in their careers and throughout their lives.

Educational Goals of Concord University

The educational programs of Concord University are designed to foster skills, knowledge, and attitudes applicable across a wide range of academic fields and professional careers in a culturally diverse, perpetually evolving global community.

  • The General Studies Program provides opportunities to begin developing skills needed for addressing complex issues, to build a foundational knowledge base for lifelong learning, and to cultivate attitudes that promote personal and societal well-being and experiential enrichment.
  • Building on the General Studies program, the baccalaureate degree programs provide opportunities for in-depth study in a student's chosen field(s).
  • Building on selected baccalaureate degree programs, the master's degree programs provide opportunities for highly specialized research and professional development.

Skills: Proficiency in interpreting data, integrating information, formulating ideas, thinking critically, and communicating with others, as demonstrated by the following competencies:

  • Effective inter-communication skills and literacies, adapted as needed for the demands of various kinds of discourse:
  • listening and speaking
  • reading and writing
  • non-verbal communication
  • media and technological literacy
  • An ability to employ appropriate observational, logical, analytical, computational, creative, and critical thinking skills in problem-solving.
  • An ability to employ appropriate methods and technologies for conducting empirical and scholarly research, to interpret research findings, and to use insights gained from such research as a basis for informed decision making.
  • An ability to analyze, synthesize and integrate elements, information and ideas.
  • An ability to evaluate elements, information, and ideas on the basis of appropriate criteria.
  • An ability to apply and to transfer academic and experiential learning appropriately from one context to another.
  • An ability to learn and work effectively both independently and collaboratively.

Knowledge: Familiarity with principles underlying academic discourse in various fields, as demonstrated by the following capabilities:

  • An ability to discern the reciprocal influences of environments, cultural beliefs and attitudes, and societal institutions and practices
  • An awareness of the fundamental characteristics and properties of the physical universe.
  • An ability to interpret events and trends within historical contexts.
  • Acquaintance with principles underlying languages - for example, linguistic, mathematical, and computer-language systems.
  • A recognition of the complex interactions between organisms, including human beings, and their environments.
  • An awareness of the aesthetic principles, methods, materials, and media employed in artistic performance and the creation of works of art and literature.
  • Self-knowledge, including awareness of one's own competencies, deficiencies, and optimal individual learning-style(s).

Attitudes: Tendencies conducive to self-knowledge, personal growth and development, and responsible citizenship as demonstrated by the following:

  • Habitual reflection on ethical/moral implications of actions when weighing decisions and evaluating outcomes.
  • The exercise of responsible leadership--including leadership by example--and of responsible followership.
  • Respectful attentiveness to differing perspectives and willingness to engage in dialogue across differences in order to seek mutual understanding and equitable conflict resolution.
  • Cultivation of and support for attitudes and practices that foster physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being.
  • Appreciation for the creative process and for the rich diversity of artistic achievement.
  • Commitment to social responsibility, including community service and civic engagement.
  • Motivation to pursue lifelong learning and ongoing intellectual growth.

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