Greenville University
Greenville University was founded in 1892 by the Free Methodist Church with the intent to provide a distinctive, Christ-centered college education for men and women. The college's first president, Wilson T. Hogue, used the motto "education for the character" to describe the college's purpose. Its mission 120 years later - empowering students for lives of character and service - echoes that purpose.
Greenville University empowers students for lives of character and service through a transforming Christ-centered education in the liberal arts, sciences, and professional studies.
Greenville University believes that God created each of our students to uniquely shape the world! Therefore, we
- Offer a transformational Christ-centered educational experience that empowers, enriches, and endures
- Focus on the development of the whole person so that each student thrives spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, relationally, and physically
- Inspire our students to embrace God’s Call
- Give our work as worship and welcome the presence of the risen Christ to fill us, equip us, and send us