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Kainar University

Kainar University, Kainar Academy's successor, is one of the first higher education institutions of new formation based on commercial principles in independent Kazakhstan. It is the first private university as a multidisciplinary higher educational institution of social and humanitarian orientation.

Kaynar Academy is positioning itself as one of the competitive universities of a social and humanitarian nature, especially in the quality and professional training of future psychologists with advanced psychological knowledge and practices; teachers of the Kazakh language and literature, foreign languages, able to work on the programs of the updated content of education; lawyers who know how to navigate a complex legislative process, as well as those who are familiar with the techniques for the peaceful settlement of disputes; demanded specialists in the field of economics, finance, accounting and auditing, management, organization of transportation and information systems.

  • Almaty

    Satpaev Street,7a, 050013, Almaty

    Kainar University