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Ranaco Education & Training Institute


RETI is the only private learning institution that provides education and training combining a Diploma Program with various selection of industrial safety certificates.

RETI is the only private learning institution that provides education and training combining a Diploma Program with various selection of industrial safety certificates.

The Industrial Safety Certificates are accredited by the International Maritime Organization, Department of Occupational Safety & Health, PETRONAS and other recognized multi-national companies.

On a campus of 7.1 acres, Ranaco established the Ranaco Education & Training Institute an institute of higher learning under the 1996 Institute of Higher Education Act and RETI's Diploma programs are accredited by the Malaysian Qualification Agency

At RETI, we recognize that industries wish to employ graduates with knowledge, competencies, soft skills and proactive safety skills. However, industries do not have sufficient resources to train their own employees.

To remedy this, RETI link and match education and training programs to the requirements of our in-house and external network industries.

Located in the vicinity of 19 petrochemical plants,5 main ports and terminals, 1500 small and medium industrial sites and more than 100 offshore platforms, RETI is at the hub of this education and training initiatives.

Shared Values

Industrial Focus

We believe that focusing to meet the industry needs are fundamental to any successful long-term partnership.


We believe in using our collective skills, knowledge and experience to meet our students' needs. Through teamwork and commitment, we shall build upon our strength to realize our full potential and achieve our shared vision.


We believe that open communication is essential to build trust and understanding with our student, our people, our shareholders and the country our serve. Only then, we can meet the industrial needs, our peoples' aspirations and shareholders'.


We believe in the creativity of our people and our ability to contribute new ideas for improvement. We shall constantly seek innovative ways to create values for our students.

  • Kijal

    Kawasan Perindustrian Jakar II, Kemaman, Terengganu, 24000, Kijal

    Ranaco Education & Training Institute