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Sungshin Women's University

The school name of Sungshin ('誠信') was generated at the time when the school foundation was established and its etymological origin lies in the phrase of "身致其誠信" from Liji((Rites Records). Founder, Woonjung, Dr. Lee Suk-jong thought that if there is faith outside and sincerity inside, one can achieve anything. Therefore, she adopted Sungshin not only as of the school name but also as the educational philosophy. Furthermore, she believed that by integrating sincerity and faithfulness organically with new knowledge and acting independently, students could reform them as female professionals equipped with wisdom, ability, and perfect personality.

The future-oriented educational philosophy of Sungshin grounded on the belief that the future of our nation will be brightened if there are more people who are sincere, faithful, strive for new knowledge, and act independently so that they can live without asking for others' power.

  • Seongbuk-gu

    Seongbuk-gu, South Korea

    Sungshin Women's University